Letter in Support of the Application

Friends and Family, please click the link, review the letter, then download and sign page 2.  Then return to me by any method.  Thanks so much for your support.

Letter to support the application

Upddate to Land Use Redesignation

Following a meeting with RVC staff on May 31st we decided to reduce the number of lots from 10 down to 9.  This eliminates the need for one parcel to access their lot through my personal driveway and enlarges the lot #9 to 10 acres in size as shown below.

We are now working to amend our existing AEP Preliminary Water Use permit to a water co-op permit.  Information regarding the volume of water, the Q20 test results, and how this usage will not impact neighboring properties can be found in earlier posts as well as under the Water tab on this website.

The Land Use Redesignation Hearing will likely be held in late September 2023.

As always, if you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact me directly.

A New Land Redesignation Application

Just a heads-up for people following this project.  I have just submitted a Land Redesignation application for the north portion of my quarter to change it from the existing R-REC to R-RUR and subdivision into smaller parcels.  In this case, the lots will be between 5 and 8 acres in size and allow for a single-family dwelling, small greenhouse, small animal barn, and one or two horses.  The lots will be serviced by a water co-op. There is a lack of small acreages available for people who wish to hobby farm (non-commercial).  As you will see from the layout below the subdivision will only require one approach onto range road 35.

This proposal has been put into place following the revocation of the previous Development Permit consequently there is no longer a plan for a hotel, banquet hall, golf course, or RV Park due to neighbor concerns regarding the volume of traffic, road dust, and availability of water.
Since the last application several changes occurred.
1. Highway 574 (Twp Rd 294) has been successfully treated with the chemical bonding agent MG30 – which eliminates dust by binding the particles.  This treated section runs from Secondary Highway 772 (Symons Valley Road) to 22 Highway. It may need to be repeated every couple of years depending on the amount of traffic.
2.  Twp Rd 29.0 (the Mountain View/Rocky View division road) has been rebuilt and chip paved from Dog Pound east to the 766 secondary highway (Lochend Road).
3. Rigorous testing of the aquifer on this and neighboring properties (except one where the owner refused testing) has proven that the Chinook Ridge commercial wells are not connected to other wells in the vicinity.  We have obtained a Preliminary Water Use Certificate from Alberta Environment and Parks.

Our hope is that the neighbors will be pleased with our new proposal.  I have heard several comments expressing joy that there will be others in the neighborhood for riding (horses) with and more kids for other kids to play with.

As always feel free to contact me directly at 403 650 0888 if you have questions or concerns.  Rocky View County will be mailing out Notices to adjacent landowners within a 1-mile radius in the coming weeks.

Alberta Environment and Parks – Water License

It is a license conditional to other matters but this is extremely good news and there were no appeals filed.  One small step for man, one GIANT step for this woman.  Stay tuned!

Revised Proposal – reduced in size

Yes, I’ve been working away on a reduced and revised proposal.  You can view it on the website under the New Proposal tab.  This one is much smaller and will have much less traffic.  It responds to neighbor concerns.  Hopefully, they will see my attempts to reach a compromise that benefits the larger community.

Caveat Emptor – meaning

Caveat Emptor is a Latin term that means “let the buyer beware.” Similar to the phrase “sold as is,” this term means that the Buyer assumes the risk that a product (or land) may fail to meet the Buyer’s expectations or have defects. In other words, the principle of caveat emptor serves as a warning that Buyers have no recourse with the Seller if the product does not meet their expectations.

The term is actually part of a longer statement: Caveat emptor, quia ignorare non debuit quod jus alienum emit (“Let a purchaser beware, for he ought not to be ignorant of the nature of the property which he is buying from another party.”) The assumption is that Buyers will inspect and otherwise ensure that they are confident with the integrity (and zoning for nearby properties) of the product (or land, to which it often refers) before completing a transaction.

Caveat Emptor in Practice
Under the principle of caveat emptor, for example, a consumer who purchases a coffee mug and later discovers that it has a leak is stuck with the defective product. Had they inspected the mug prior to the sale, they may have changed their mind.

A more common example is a used car transaction between two private parties (as opposed to a dealership, in which the sale is subject to an implied warranty). The Buyer must take on the responsibility of thoroughly researching and inspecting the car—perhaps taking it to a mechanic for a closer look—before finalizing the sale. If something comes up after the sale, maybe a transmission failure, it is not the Seller’s responsibility. Garage sales offer another example of caveat emptor, in which all sales are final and nothing is guaranteed.

Audio of RVC’s Administration – purpose of Redesignation

This audio clip is extremely important as you can listen to the Administration’s 3-minute opening remarks and description of the purpose for the Redesignation application- to develop Chinook Ridge Lodge & Golf Course.  The speaker is Rick Michelanko, RVC Planner.  Chairing the Hearing was Reeve Ashdown.

Air Quality Monitor

I am pleased to be able to offer folks access to our Air Quality Monitor.  Just go to www.PurpleAir.com/map and scroll the map to the Dogpound area, Our monitor is marked with a green dot and the time scale comes up ‘CRAZ 001 Cartwright’.  CRAZ is Calgary Regional Air Zone.  This is a great way to view the air quality for those who have lung disorders or suffer from asthma.

Audio of Kathy Fenton, local area Business Woman

This 5 1/2 minute audio is of Kathy Fenton, owner of Fenton Bus Lines, Fenton Quarter Horses, and local landowner speaking in support of the Redesignation of the land and development of Chinook Ridge Lodge & Golf Course.

2009 – 2012 Brochure.

The Brochure (below) is what we sent out to neighbors and interested parties and passed out at our open house.  It took a couple of revisions while we tried to make it concise but informative.  The original version was much wordier.

It appears some of the original residents sold their properties and may not have informed new owners of the development plans for this land.  In some cases, they may have shared partial information or the information that was important to them while leaving out some other details.  This link will take you to the Brochure we used from 2009 to 2012 and delivered to neighbors within a 3 km radius.  It formed the Vision, although operations were fine-tuned and sometimes changed due to the neighbor’s concerns.

Click pages to turn              2009 Flipbook