A New Land Redesignation Application

Just a heads-up for people following this project.  I have just submitted a Land Redesignation application for the north portion of my quarter to change it from the existing R-REC to R-RUR and subdivision into smaller parcels.  In this case, the lots will be between 5 and 8 acres in size and allow for a single-family dwelling, small greenhouse, small animal barn, and one or two horses.  The lots will be serviced by a water co-op. There is a lack of small acreages available for people who wish to hobby farm (non-commercial).  As you will see from the layout below the subdivision will only require one approach onto range road 35.

This proposal has been put into place following the revocation of the previous Development Permit consequently there is no longer a plan for a hotel, banquet hall, golf course, or RV Park due to neighbor concerns regarding the volume of traffic, road dust, and availability of water.
Since the last application several changes occurred.
1. Highway 574 (Twp Rd 294) has been successfully treated with the chemical bonding agent MG30 – which eliminates dust by binding the particles.  This treated section runs from Secondary Highway 772 (Symons Valley Road) to 22 Highway. It may need to be repeated every couple of years depending on the amount of traffic.
2.  Twp Rd 29.0 (the Mountain View/Rocky View division road) has been rebuilt and chip paved from Dog Pound east to the 766 secondary highway (Lochend Road).
3. Rigorous testing of the aquifer on this and neighboring properties (except one where the owner refused testing) has proven that the Chinook Ridge commercial wells are not connected to other wells in the vicinity.  We have obtained a Preliminary Water Use Certificate from Alberta Environment and Parks.

Our hope is that the neighbors will be pleased with our new proposal.  I have heard several comments expressing joy that there will be others in the neighborhood for riding (horses) with and more kids for other kids to play with.

As always feel free to contact me directly at 403 650 0888 if you have questions or concerns.  Rocky View County will be mailing out Notices to adjacent landowners within a 1-mile radius in the coming weeks.