Entries by chinookridgeadmin

Upddate to Land Use Redesignation

Following a meeting with RVC staff on May 31st we decided to reduce the number of lots from 10 down to 9.  This eliminates the need for one parcel to access their lot through my personal driveway and enlarges the lot #9 to 10 acres in size as shown below. We are now working to […]

A New Land Redesignation Application

Just a heads-up for people following this project.  I have just submitted a Land Redesignation application for the north portion of my quarter to change it from the existing R-REC to R-RUR and subdivision into smaller parcels.  In this case, the lots will be between 5 and 8 acres in size and allow for a […]

New Proposal

We are in the process of seeking neighbor approval for a revised plan which eliminates the 21 room hotel and 500 seat banquet hall.  This will reduce the volume of traffic and noise.  We seek to redesignate the north portion of the land so it can accommodate single-family homes with lots that will allow for […]

Revised Proposal – reduced in size

Yes, I’ve been working away on a reduced and revised proposal.  You can view it on the website under the New Proposal tab.  This one is much smaller and will have much less traffic.  It responds to neighbor concerns.  Hopefully, they will see my attempts to reach a compromise that benefits the larger community.

Caveat Emptor – meaning

Caveat Emptor is a Latin term that means “let the buyer beware.” Similar to the phrase “sold as is,” this term means that the Buyer assumes the risk that a product (or land) may fail to meet the Buyer’s expectations or have defects. In other words, the principle of caveat emptor serves as a warning […]